Here’s a relaxing & fun music for the classroom

I usually like to play a little music for my students while they are engaging while they are in the center areas or engaging in independant work. I how it helps keep my students more focused on thier work and also it encourages more fun feelings! Whenever music is played, I’ve noticed how less my students are inclinded to stay off task and in need of redirection. I’ve also noticed even my grumpiest student tends to bop along to the hormonius and uplfting beats! What music do you like to play in your classroom and when do like to play it?

Blog Challenge Step 6 images, copyrights ect.

By: Nyree Washington

This is a picture that I took with my own phone. After reading the blog instuctions about copyrights ect, I had a headache! All of this is confusing to me! I tried to upload a photo from the internet and it was blocked. Ok I guess thats part of the copyright issue. However, I also tried to upload a photo I took of one the Picasso Structures from downtown Chicago and it also was blocked! Hmmm interesting… SO here is another photo I took about 2 summers ago in vineyard and SUPRISE!! It wasn’t blocked! So please enjoy this cool picture of grapes.. I hope someone doesn’t take my pic lol

The Teacher’s Assistant’s Displacement

By: Nyree Washington

I can not wait for the day when I am a teacher and I will have my very own classroom. Over the years as a teacher’s assistant, I have found it not only to be rewarding by working with my teacher and seeing the hard work she puts in for weekly lesson plans. But I also get to be a part of a child’s euducational journey. However, I will say as an assistant, I am so happy that I don’t have to put in as many after work hours as the teacher if not any. There are times that I have gone the extra mile for my classroom and put in lots of hours after school is over. I have helped my teacher by grading papers or projects at home, bought fun items for the treasure box, or a holiday party without compensation. It is very rewarding to see my students faces when they recieve something cool, fun or even a pizza party that I have contributed to. But in my classroom I do not have a space that I can call my own. I do not have a desk or a locker to put my personal items or even my coat. I have to lug around my wheeled book bag and coat from room to room because there is no extra space for my belongings. This make me feel displaced and I can honestly say I get upset when I have to deal with this daily. Once I become a teacher and if I have an assistant, I will make sure they will have thier own personal space to place their items. I want my assistnat to have a desk for them to be able to have small group sessions or grade papers or do daily logs. And most importantly, I want my assistant to feel welcomed and this is thier room as well. If you are a Teacher’s Assitant, Classroom Aide, Paraprofessional have you every experienced this before? If so what were your feelings about this? I vow as a Parpaprofessiona, when I become a teacher I will never forget my roots (sort of speak) I will always have the upmost respect for all Assistiants.